Tag: mind

  • How to find your purpose by meeting your driving needs

    How to find your purpose by meeting your driving needs

    People have six human needs that must be met to feel satisfied, which will help you to find your purpose. When these needs are not being met by constant fixtures in your life, such as your career or personal relationships, they leave you feeling despondent. This brings down your mental state and can often manifest…

  • Essential Oil 101: Marjoram

    As I research essential oils that are good for pain relief, Marjoram oil kept showing up.  If you google Marjoram, there is this idea that Marjoram and Oregano are the same.  This is confusing as to why they are labeled as two different herbs but are the same?  Sally Bernstein blog article titled “Oregano….Or Is…

  • Welcome Our Governor, Mr Heart!

    The human heart in western medicine is considered a pump. The heart pumps blood out through arteries to the tissues, muscles, organs in your body, delivering oxygen and nutrients. Waste gets back to your heart through the veins.  The heart pumps it out again to your lungs in exchange for more oxygenated blood that is…