Tag: pain in the neck

  • Finding The Balance in The Journey to Stopping Neck Pain, Part 3

    Finding the right balance in life is crucial for happiness in life.  The definition of happiness is different for everyone.  This cannot be any more true for the care of neck and head pain.  In “Our Mighty Duck…Quack! Quack! Quack! (How to Manage Neck Pain)” I explained how this balance is important in the role of…

  • Hidden Reasons for Nagging Neck Pain, Part 2

    Nagging.  What do you think of?  Something that does not go away and annoys your personal space of serenity.  You tell that person or remove that nagging thing but it comes back.  One may think of a nagging spouse.  One may think of a nagging boss.  In this case, I am talking about the nagging…

  • Hidden Causes of “Nagging” Neck Pain, Part 1

    Do you have a pain in the neck?  Literally or metaphorically, physically or emotionally, managing neck pain can be a simple fix or something more comprehensive.  In the first article of this series, “Our Mighty Duck! Quack! Quack! Quack! (How to Manage Neck Pain, Part 1) ” I elaborated on how our neck is heavily…