Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • To Sprain Or Not Sprain (an Ankle)?

    An ankle sprain is one of the most undermanaged injuries that can potentially result in other aches and pains down the road.  There are multiple theories on the importance of ankle sprain care, which includes the potential loss of coordination, early arthritis, compensation, and changes in joint mechanics.  The reasons may seem complicated with multi-syllabic words, but…

  • Heel Thy Pain (for Plantar Fasciitis and Achilles Tendonitis)

    Heel Thy Pain (for Plantar Fasciitis and Achilles Tendonitis)

    Do you dread walking in the morning because of heel pain (especially in the first few steps)?  Is your heel pain slowing you down?  You are most likely dealing with a condition called plantar fasciitis, which affects up to 2 million Americans each year.  This is staggering but I believe will rise due to social…

  • The Secret to Moving Well and Performing like a Professional (Instructions on Foot Care)

    Do you want to know a secret in regards to what people ignore when working out for better performance?  I have said it before in past articles.   Our body is a wonderful machine and there is one sub-system within the human body that allows us to protect ourselves, be nimble, absorb shock, and transfer force…

  • Fitness 101: Finding a “Personal” Trainer (Part 2)

    Finding a good “personal trainer” is an important choice that should not be taken lightly.  It is important to not only take care of your body but finding someone who knows more that the average about the human body so you can bring out the most of your own movement capacity.  The motto at ReVITALize…

  • Fitness 101: Finding a “Personal” Trainer (Part 1)

    Congratulations!  Whether you are reading this article because you are interested in hoping on the fitness train or the title caught your attention, my plan is to expose the truth about the fitness industry.  The human body is a marvelous machine and is designed to perform remarkable feats of movements.  This makes the job of…

  • How to Gain the Upper Hand in Life Using Chinese Medicine

    Johnny is always the tallest kid in his class. He usually runs the fastest and he never loses in arm wrestling. Most kids are jealous how Johnny is built and want to be just like him. In the mean time, Ricky is always the shortest kid in his class. He never wins any arm wrestling…

  • Essential Oil 101: Clove

    Did you know that our mouths can tell a lot about our internal health?  There have been research studies that linked our oral hygiene to coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancers.  For example, mouth lesions may be the first signs of HIV infection, aphthous ulcers are occasionally a manifestation of Celiac or Crohn’s disease,…

  • Finding The Balance in The Journey to Stopping Neck Pain, Part 3

    Finding the right balance in life is crucial for happiness in life.  The definition of happiness is different for everyone.  This cannot be any more true for the care of neck and head pain.  In “Our Mighty Duck…Quack! Quack! Quack! (How to Manage Neck Pain)” I explained how this balance is important in the role of…

  • Hidden Reasons for Nagging Neck Pain, Part 2

    Nagging.  What do you think of?  Something that does not go away and annoys your personal space of serenity.  You tell that person or remove that nagging thing but it comes back.  One may think of a nagging spouse.  One may think of a nagging boss.  In this case, I am talking about the nagging…

  • Hidden Causes of “Nagging” Neck Pain, Part 1

    Do you have a pain in the neck?  Literally or metaphorically, physically or emotionally, managing neck pain can be a simple fix or something more comprehensive.  In the first article of this series, “Our Mighty Duck! Quack! Quack! Quack! (How to Manage Neck Pain, Part 1) ” I elaborated on how our neck is heavily…

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