Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • The Circle of Life

    Are you the type that thinks you are in control of your destiny?  Or are you the type that thinks luck and good karma energy controls your destiny?  Whichever side you lean towards, life most likely reinforced your belief through positive experiences.  What is pain?  What is inflammation?  What is cancer? I have been having…

  • Using Yoga to Help You Reduce Pain and to Walk More

    This might not be shocking news but yoga has been shown in multiple studies to be highly effective in combating back pain.  As yoga has been more accepted by the public, I have seen and had to undo some people doing yoga the wrong way.  That being said, yoga can be harmful if you abuse…

  • How to Get More Out of Your Yoga Stretches When You Have Back Pain

    Yoga is becoming more popular nowadays as a tool that helps people stay limber, and for some types, food for the mind. There are many styles of yoga. If you participate in the right yoga class or sequence in the right yoga exercises, you can unlock crazy amount of true raw strength that is within…

  • How to Help Superman Be More Unstoppable

    This is the biggest weekend holiday coming up.  It is father’s day!….Of course I am biased and like to think I am superman.  I know my children think I am made of steel and can do anything and everything.  The reality is that everybody needs maintenance especially since modern society asks everyone to take huge…

  • Spine and Sports Medicine Expert by Your Side

    Hi everyone!  I would like to introduce myself.  I am Dr Danh Ngo and I help people find an alternative to pain killers, medications, procedures, and to avoid surgery.  Besides the medical title (label), I am more proud of being a father of two children.  I love being a father and I decided to venture…

  • 3 Ways Teachers Can Help ReVITALize Their Body….and Have Fun Doing It Too

    Would it be nice to have that peace of mind that you can move like these children and dog?  After all, you spent more than half the year nurturing young minds and now your feet feels tired, knees might be stiff and neck “cracking” as you do a simple head turn.  If this sounds familiar,…

  • 3 Hidden Signs That Your Body Needs to Recover From The Grueling School Year

    It’s that time of the year when educators are celebrating that the school year is over and/or summer break is here.  I have many wonderful and passionate educators as close friends and they take pride in their craft, including my wife.  At this time, teachers reflect on the year to see where the breakdowns went…

  • Essential Oil 101: Marjoram

    As I research essential oils that are good for pain relief, Marjoram oil kept showing up.  If you google Marjoram, there is this idea that Marjoram and Oregano are the same.  This is confusing as to why they are labeled as two different herbs but are the same?  Sally Bernstein blog article titled “Oregano….Or Is…

  • Running 101: Debunking the Myth of Running and Arthritis

    It is almost spring, and this is the time when people come out of hibernation to start running.  Our first article on running titled “Instruction Manual on How to Run Like Tony Starks (Iron Man)” details why one should be fit to run rather than running to stay fit.  If you desire a healthy run, the article…

  • Instruction Manual on How to Run Like Tony Starks (Iron Man)

    Running is great for the body and easy to incorporate anytime you choose.  The biggest issue is running with this mindset sets up our body to fail.  It results in runner’s knee, shin splint, ITB syndrome, stress fractures, and other orthopedic issues that I treat throughout the year.  The motto “you have to be fit…

Got any book recommendations?