Category: Low Back Pain

  • How to Tone Your Arms Safely While Having Back Pain

    How to Tone Your Arms Safely While Having Back Pain

    Many head to the gym to work out with a purpose of losing weight or to build muscle.  If you are looking to shed fat and firm up your body (aka “tone up”), but have back pain, you are left guessing with a trial and error system. You either try a weight machine, hoping that…

  • Catch-a-Sciaticasaurus, GO! (Part 2)

    What kind of Pokemon is a Sciaticasaurus?  It is a fast, elusive, stubborn, “sharp,” fire or electric type creature.  To catch it and be “the boss of it” requires patience and determination.  In the real world a Sciaticasaurus is known as Sciatica.  “True” Sciatica is where the sciatic nerve is inflamed and irritated.  (Pseudo) “leg pain” sciatica is…

  • Catch-a-Lumbago, GO! (Part 1)

    What Pokemon have you caught lately?  Lumbago?  Stenosis-kachu? Herniation? Sciaticasaurus?  If you have not noticed, these are not Pokemon creatures but low back pain (LBP) diagnosis but with a Pokemon twist to it.  You can say the company has been reVITALized by this classic game series. I believe there are a few parallels between low…