Category: Yoga + Pilates

  • How to Overcome Hip Tightness

    Do you have tight hips? Hip tightness can have several negative effects on your well-being. First, it might cause you pain and inhibit you from doing your favorite activities. In some cases, hip tightness has dissuaded people from carrying out their exercise routine.  So, how do you deal with hip tightness once and for all?…

  • Sports Injury Treatment: Top Tips and Tricks

    Sports Injury Treatment: Top Tips and Tricks

    Are you sick and tired of worrying about spraining your ankle or twisting something out of place every time you play a sport or work out? The occasional sports injury can happen regardless of preparation, but if you don’t know how to treat it, it could spiral into something far worse. So what tricks can…

  • 8 Effective Stretches for Loosening Up Tight Hips

    8 Effective Stretches for Loosening Up Tight Hips

    Does pain prevent you from doing the things you love? If your lower back, knees, or ankles are constantly aching, you could have tight hips. The number one cause of hip tightness is sitting still, a habit that is hard to avoid in today’s world.  If you spend many hours at a desk, in a car, or in front of the television,…

  • These Are the Best Quad Stretches for Knee Pain

    These Are the Best Quad Stretches for Knee Pain

    If you’re feeling pain in the knees, then performing some quad stretches could bring you some relief. The main issue is that a lot of quad stretches actually put pressure on the knees due to the fact that the muscles are connected to the knee cap. If your knees are bothering you, then the smarter…

  • How to Avoid Knee Strain When Doing Yoga

    How to Avoid Knee Strain When Doing Yoga

    Yoga is known for all of the incredible benefits it provides for the body. It builds core strength, flexibility, and lean muscle. However, when you have knee strain discomfort, the pain can get in the way of being able to do an advanced yoga session. Thankfully, there is a way to minimize knee pain and…

  • 7 Tips for Dealing with Tight Hip Flexors

    7 Tips for Dealing with Tight Hip Flexors

    About 80 percent of the U.S. population suffers from lower back pain at some point. Tight hip flexors may be part of the problem. Your hip flexors can be tight from sitting for long periods, jogging, and cycling.  Don’t let tight hip flexors ruin your exercise routine or make you uncomfortable. Here are seven tips to do…

  • 3 Problems With Yoga Neck Stretches and 3 Fixes (Part 2)

    3 Problems With Yoga Neck Stretches and 3 Fixes (Part 2)

    Neck pain can be worse than back pain for some people.  In a modern society where you have to look down and turn your head to drive, it annoyingly reminds us of the sharp neck pain.  As a Holistic Spine and Sports Medicine Physical Therapy clinic, we believe that neck pain is rarely an issue…

  • How to safely do yoga when dealing with neck pain (Part 1)

    How to safely do yoga when dealing with neck pain (Part 1)

    The medical community is recognizing the power of yoga as a medium to enhance mobility and muscle flexibility.   Consumer Report magazine recently endorsed yoga as a proven alternative to back pain relief.  When it comes to neck pain relief,  as a Spine and Sports Medicine Physical Therapy clinic in Long Beach, we realize that our medical…

  • When You Should Try Pilates and Yoga for Neck Pain or Tension (Part 1)

    When You Should Try Pilates and Yoga for Neck Pain or Tension (Part 1)

    Neck pain is troublesome.  Many do not realize that restoring your alignment and rebalancing your muscles is possible with Pilates and yoga for neck pain sufferers.  yoga and pilates are great for helping you restore your neck tension or pain.  When you have neck pain, it can be difficult to perform all the vigorous pilates…

  • Using Yoga to Help You Reduce Pain and to Walk More

    This might not be shocking news but yoga has been shown in multiple studies to be highly effective in combating back pain.  As yoga has been more accepted by the public, I have seen and had to undo some people doing yoga the wrong way.  That being said, yoga can be harmful if you abuse…