Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • 5 Reasons Where Holistic Physical Therapy Can Help Regain Your Mobility

    5 Reasons Where Holistic Physical Therapy Can Help Regain Your Mobility

    As you walk, play, and work, you are probably not thinking about how and what your body is doing to allow you to move from point A to B.  We are too busy living life and doing what needs to be done for that day.  You may pause or begin to pay more attention to…

  • How to Tell if You Have Thyroid Problems Related With Your Neck Pain

    How to Tell if You Have Thyroid Problems Related With Your Neck Pain

    Pain is complex.  If pain was simple, our country would not be in an opioid epidemic with pain addiction being on the rise.  When you add hormones to the holistic big picture, it truly makes a medical practitioner have to look at you as an individual to make the best choice for you.  Our saying…

  • Foods That Help Back Pain

    Foods That Help Back Pain

    Back pain is the most common muscle and joint condition that deprives many people of feeling and moving like their best.  As modern medicine is improving with precise surgical techniques and advanced diagnostic tools, back pain is still on the rise.  Digestion disorder is on the rise as society is relying on quick nutrient lacking food…

  • 4 Factors Causing Your Neck Pain From Running and 10 Practical Tips

    4 Factors Causing Your Neck Pain From Running and 10 Practical Tips

    Neck pain from running is not as common as back pain, runner’s knee, or any other forms of tendinitis and bursitis.  This does not mean that it is not as serious and should not be pushed through.  As a Holistic Spine and Sports Medicine Physical Therapist trained in making sense of injuries in relation to…

  • 3 Problems With Yoga Neck Stretches and 3 Fixes (Part 2)

    3 Problems With Yoga Neck Stretches and 3 Fixes (Part 2)

    Neck pain can be worse than back pain for some people.  In a modern society where you have to look down and turn your head to drive, it annoyingly reminds us of the sharp neck pain.  As a Holistic Spine and Sports Medicine Physical Therapy clinic, we believe that neck pain is rarely an issue…

  • How to safely do yoga when dealing with neck pain (Part 1)

    How to safely do yoga when dealing with neck pain (Part 1)

    The medical community is recognizing the power of yoga as a medium to enhance mobility and muscle flexibility.   Consumer Report magazine recently endorsed yoga as a proven alternative to back pain relief.  When it comes to neck pain relief,  as a Spine and Sports Medicine Physical Therapy clinic in Long Beach, we realize that our medical…

  • Common confusion around back brace for posture correction or back pain relief

    Common confusion around back brace for posture correction or back pain relief

    To brace or not to brace?   When you are experiencing low back pain, an easy solution is to pick up a back brace to support your spine.  The theory makes sense as a back brace helps your spine from moving too much.  When you are in pain, such as a lower back pain due to…

  • 3 Anti-inflammatory Foods That Help You to Sleep

    3 Anti-inflammatory Foods That Help You to Sleep

    Here is this month’s food that we are highlighting a specific topic of sleep.  There are 3 foods that help you sleep better that you do not read about enough.  If you noticed, we specifically chose fruits as they get no love when it comes to having the anti-inflammatory conversation.  Fruits get a bad rap…

  • 3 Tips on How to Get Better Sleep With Lower Back Pain

    3 Tips on How to Get Better Sleep With Lower Back Pain

    Sleeping is important.  There are many conclusive studies that show how important sleeping is from anti-aging to injury recovery.  The problem is that when you have lower back pain (this article will apply if you have neck or upper back tension and muscle spasms), there is no one size fit all answer to getting our…

  • How to Tone Your Arms Safely While Having Back Pain

    How to Tone Your Arms Safely While Having Back Pain

    Many head to the gym to work out with a purpose of losing weight or to build muscle.  If you are looking to shed fat and firm up your body (aka “tone up”), but have back pain, you are left guessing with a trial and error system. You either try a weight machine, hoping that…

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